Ok, last year and the year before, my child's teachers suggested she's gifted. She did not pass the screening either time. Should I drop this issue or request for her to be screened again now that another year has passed? She's in kindergarten and reads at around a third grade level. Certainly second grade text is easy, but third grade text length is too much. In math, she is adding and subtracting to and from 20 in her head. She also understands things like 4-6=-2.

All that to say, she scored average on the screening in the matrices. I'm thinking maybe she just had never seen than and didn't know what to do. Her other scores were high enough. She's never had a full scale IQ. She's just had the screening, which was done last February on the day of her school's Mardi Gras parade at recess. I am sure the score was lower due to this, too.

DD1 has IQ of 135+.

Hate to just blame it all on being the second child. Ideas?
