It is definitely not a luck-only game - I have played it hundreds if not thousands of times (counting online play against "bots"). If my 10-year-old wanted to play it, I would be on that like a trout jumping to a fly. smile

My almost-10-year-old's current favorites are

Exploding Kittens
Snake Oil
Monopoly (sigh)

Of these, I enjoy Dragonwood and Santorini, and will play Exploding Kittens and Snake Oil under duress. I played Monopoly with him once the day he got it, insisting on playing with the correct rules (no money for Free Parking and auction unbought properties immediately), totally smoked him, and he hasn't asked me to play it again.

ETA: If he likes Dominion, you might want to also try Star Realms with him. It and Dragonwood have the virtue of being pretty cheap, too.

Last edited by ElizabethN; 03/20/18 07:46 AM.