My DD12 has Autism and a boatload of sensory issues. She's still in 6th in elementary, and does well most of the time there, except assemblies, which she is allowed to skip.

Middle school is next year but I asked around and some of the suggestions given to me for my daughter included:
* Leaving class 5 minutes early so she can get to her next class BEFORE the halls are crowded with other kids
* No assemblies, ever. Unless she's personally involved in an activity, like band or something. I don't anticipate that happening much.
* She will not be required to eat in the lunchroom, though she'll have to go there if she wants to get school lunch.
* The Autism program at the middle school enrolls its students in one period per day in the very sensory-friendly Autism room.
* Being permitted to take a break upon request at almost any time, by handing a token to the teacher, leaving the class, and going to the Autism program room.

Also, it would be reasonable to get OT services as well as speech therapy in her own school. She should not have to go to another school for that. If she doesn't qualify for OT from the school, get a private OT. They may be able to come and observe the school to help with strategies. But really, I would push for the school to provide this service.

Last edited by Aufilia; 03/07/18 03:05 PM.