ADHD is one of the most difficulty to accurately diagnose because there is SO MUCH overlap with other diagnoses/conditions. As a therapist, I see kids to assess for ADHD daily. The difference between a therapist and a neuropsych test is that the therapist will not use nearly as many screening or assessment tools, but will be able to learn who your child is, their unique quirks, and how they respond to things over a course of time. A clinician doing testing will have more tools at their disposal to assess the functioning of different parts of the brain, and can give a snapshot overview quickly after one day. I look at testing frequently with my patients, and it does give good information that I will never get from them through therapy. However I also see results at times that I highly disagree with because it doesn't always catch the overlap of symptoms (i.e. a trauma kid/gifted kid/anxious kid looks just like an ADHD kid, which is not usually caught in a neuropsych because the symptoms and brain responses are so similar).