My DS6 has not been identified as gifted but you all have such great knowledge I was hoping to get some advice. Older siblings have been identified as gifted. I have posted about DS6 in the past concerning attention issues. He had a very difficult time in Kindergarten at the end of the year and the teacher said his lack of attention/focus was interfering with his ability to learn. He was not staying in his seat, class clown behavior and testing boundaries. He has been going to a counselor since August and was diagnosed with mild ADHD. Behavior this year so far has been great in first grade with teacher describing him as a model student for listening. We have worked hard on his behaviors but he still has a lot of trouble with focus in other activities such as team sports. He is a high energy kid, always joking and gets in trouble easy when there is lack of structure., He is an excellent reader (highest in his class) but struggles in writing and says he hates writing. He recently had a vision screening at school and they said he has anisometropia. I have heard that vision problems in children can seem like other problems such as ADHD. Is this a possibility for him with this kind of vision problem? He does not see an optometrist for another month. Any questions we should be asking at his full exam? Thanks for any feedback.