We were in the same boat. My son felt insulted and bored by the math. In k and 1st I did twice a month math pullouts with 5-6 kids. It was more fun and I enjoyed being able to encourage some other kids in math too - especially some of the girls that really needed to hear they were great at math too (and they totally were!) This was such a small impact though compared to the SSA he finally got in 2nd. He still gets a perfect score on everything and is the strongest math student a year up too, but it is closer and feels better for him. Every once in a while he gets something a little new.

When I did math club I did prepare some fun topics but my go to when I didn't have time was to have the kids do old Math Kangaroo math contest problems. Nice variety and fun. GL. We are thinking about another skip next year but this ssa has been worth the advocacy so far, for sure.