DS8, who we've been assuming was both g & ld pretty much forever, just got his results from some cognitive testing. The overall score is quite high & should help us manage accommodations, so that's good. I've got niggling in the back of my head, though.

The range is exceedingly wide. Wider than I've seen posted about here before (which is saying something). Wider than mine when I was tested at about the same age. Like.. real wide, eh? I have joked about being the eternal outlier, but this is... Even if we assume that the highest and lowest scores are quite erroneous, it's still pretty weird, and there's enough consistency to the whole thing that it doesn't seem like typos or something.

I'm wondering if there's anything out there on super-duper-uber wide scores that might suggest something.... other than "well, dude, you knew he was GLD already" Are really strikingly unbalanced results indicative of some other factor or something?

I don't even really know what I'm asking/looking for. We pretty much know where we're going re: school. It's just... weird.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!