Happy New Year!

DS took AoPS's Intro to Python and absolutely loved it. He wants to take the second class there. He seems to be under the impression that he will be able to create his own games. Now by "games", I mean he thinks he can create graphics within the program as well, create push buttons, etc. Something along the lines of solitaire on the computer. Is this a correct assumption? If not, what is the progression to be able to create a game like this?

In addition, his 2018 goal is to post this game to a WordPress website to play with others. I am clueless when it comes to anything in this realm. Can anyone help me lay out his path to achieve this goal?

Side note: he has access to all the classes with YouthDigital as well. He does not seem to like Java as well as Python. But maybe he hasn't seen the light???

Thank you!!!