Hi, I'm new here, so let me tell you a little about our family. I am the mother of two boys (11 and 9). Both of the boys are in gifted programs provided by the Florida public school system. My oldest is in 6th grade and my youngest is in third. Both of the boys have ADHD.

My youngest is.....different. He is a good student and a bright kid, but he is not wildly beyond his years except in computer science. To say he is good with technology is a great understatement. Since he was about two, he has been learning everything he can about computers to the point of obsession. He writes code in 4 different languages, understands all the hardware and networking. We have a grad student that comes to work with him. Last weekend he made a touch screen interface for our home automation and he's working on writing some hacking software now. Hes 9.

This sounds crazy, but think he's a prodigy. We have a doctors appointment coming up next week and I'm thinking about talking about it. I've told his Neuro that he's REALLY into computers, but I don't think they know what I mean. I'm afraid he's going to laugh me out of his office.

I'm not sure what is to gain by getting a "diagnosis" either? Is there really anything else we can do that will benefit him? We DONT want any kind of recognition. He's not a performing monkey. Maybe it's better to keep our heads low.

What do you think? Would you bring it up?