Originally Posted by spaghetti
If there is a way to find out who is GT maybe in 3rd grade when your son gets there, you can have a birthday party (or other type of party) where you can invite people and then talk to parents to begin to see what the culture is and whether people would want a group.

i had a similar thought, but i don't know if i want to wait a year.

Originally Posted by spaghetti
Our school district has a whole network set up. Does your school district have anything like that (information sessions for parents would be a start). We have parent volunteers representing each school to the district (who do absolutely nothing and have no power -- all they do is meet and find out the news from GT)

our district isn't very good with communication. there's some communication between the district and the schools but not much. and it's almost non-existent between the district and parents. each school has a home and school association (i think most places call them parent-teacher associations or organizations) and a BOE member is assigned to attend HSA meetings to provide some information, but it's very general for the most part. unless we have time to attend BOE meetings, that's about all we get.

i would kill for meetings with updates on the G&T program -heck, i'd take an informational session on what the district offers- but i suspect part of the reason we don't get updates is because it's barely changed in the last 5 years. frown i may contact one of the BOE members and suggest that to her.
