
My 6 year old visited the psychologist that identified her as gifted every other week last year to help her get through kindergarten. She has overexcitabilities, probably some undiagnosed mild sensory issues and now, we've found a vision processing disorder that we think can be corrected by therapy. She was very frustrated like your son throughout both years of pre-school and kindergarten. Now, that I have the information it's clear why she was so frustrated and I wish I had more info three years ago!

If I had it to all over again, I would not have sent her to pre-school or kindergarten. I would have kept her home, let her play with friends, joined park district programs for fun and worked on her sensory issues, frustration level(how to self calm) and focused on her vision issues and fine motor issues.

She is such a good kid and so very, very, bright; she could have easily walked in to first grade and fit right in with very little, or no problems.

In terms of handling frustration and successfully dealing with her sensory issues, or sensitivities, just one year made a HUGE difference. I gets easier when they have the right help and just age.

Shoulda woulda coulda..... ((shrug))

I wish you all the best in helping your son!