You can find a lot of info online, but fwiw the best info we've had re actual classes and AP/Honors/college search etc has come from through our local high school, both counselors, fellow parents, resources offered by the school district, and our kids themselves as they become independent, thinking adults charting their own way in life.

The thing about AP and Honors classes - the quality, availability, work load, etc will vary a lot from area to area, and even from class to class within a school based on who's teaching the class. Choices re courses taken are often also dictated to a certain extent by your school or school district.

When my kids were younger, I had a lot of expectations re APs etc.... as they grew into teens and actually experienced high school I realized that their best prep for college actually came from giving them the freedom to make their own choices. My ds made a course choice for senior year that flies against all conventional and internet-wisdom re what one should do if one is a highly capable kid shooting to attend a nit-picky admissions college in a currently trending career field, but he made the decision from a point of being well-informed all around, and he made the decision that was right for him.

Best wishes,
