DS7 recently participated in a school musical that contained a song about ladybugs with the following lyrics:

If someone treats you rough
And life is kind of tough
You think you’ve had enough but be a lady

If someone isn’t kind
And friends are hard to find
You just say never mind and be a lady

If someone isn’t nice
Their heart’s as cold as ice
Well just take my advice and be a lady

When someone hurts your pride
You’d like to run and hide
You just keep dignified and be a lady

When all you see are dots
Complexion’s full of spots
Remember all you’ve got and be a lady

When all your friends have fled
And all you see is red
Just keep a level head and be a lady

I find these lyrics problematic in any climate but on the heels of the Harvey Weinstein scandal they seem particularly inappropriate. Is this what we want to teach our young people? To remain silent and "dignified" in the face of injustice?

I am struggling with how to address this, as I am gearing up to advocate for a partial homeschool scenario for my PG son. Should I let it go and focus on advocacy?