I don't recall what I used back in the Stone Ages. DS' school used to use Larson and the teacher thought it was decent or at least preferable to the current ebook that he ignores. DS is acing (setting the curve) the course so it isn't that he doesn't understand the material but I am concerned that he might not be getting enough deep conceptual background. He mentioned that many of his classmates had already studied calculus somewhere else (physics, outside calculus course, Khan Academy) while everything is new to him (limits, derivatives, integration) so I want to make sure he isn't missing out. The teacher mentioned that 35 out of his 80 students end up with a 5 on the AP with almost all the rest getting a 3 because the AP exam is also on a curve - that is why his grades are on a curve. I am not sure that being able to score a 5 on the AP is that much of a recommendation and I am concerned that he is teaching to the AP exam although I suppose that is the point of these AP curriculum/exam combos.