Originally Posted by Eskes
We have noticed at home when reading chapter books he omits small words (a, the, of, etc), adds his own words or changes them (a for the) . He does not do this with more difficult longer words. Is this normal for a first grader or something to be concerned about?

This is what we noticed first with our dd who has vision challenges - her eyesight in each eye was a-ok, but her eyes didn't track consistently and she had double vision. There were other signs that our dd was having trouble with vision, but we didn't notice them because they weren't at all obvious when she was in early elementary and our dd didn't realize that other people saw the world differently than she did.

I'd suggest looking into this further if his teacher is noting his difficulties are interfering with his inability to learn, rather than starting with a behavior plan. It's key to understand what's at the root of the behaviors first: if there is an undiagnosed LD or something else going on that's causing the difficulties, it will need to be addressed as the primary issue. Please take my advice for what it's worth though (not much lol!) - I'm not a professional, just the parent of 2 2e kids (and the non-2e kid with vision issues I mentioned above!)

Best wishes,
