DS6 and DS9 started at their new school on Wednesday. This was a big switch from a small private school to a large public school. We have known they'd out grow their private school eventually and in a way I've been anxious about this week, the week they start public school, for years. Our local public school does not have a great reputation.

DS9 absolutely loves his teacher. He is in a gifted fourth grade classroom and he has really enjoyed the assignments. For example, today they were learning about measurements. Instead of just a lecture and worksheets, it involved measuring out the grow rate of an animal from birth to maturity and comparing it to other things in the classroom. After that they researched prehistoric ancestors of the animal and compared the measurements. I've also had great phone calls with the nurse and counselor getting ready for his 504 meeting.

DS6 is accelerated one year and in a gifted cluster second grade classroom. He'd been a bit sassy about being smart and I was happy to hear him talk about classmates that were super smart. He has a competitive nature and being in a class with smart kids will be good for him.

Overall it was a great first week and I'm hopeful we'll have a great year.