My DS10 has been grade skipped and is currently in 6th grade. He is about six years ahead in everything, so one skip is certainly not enough but his school has been good with giving him harder work up until this year. The trouble is it is not consistent and for the past year it's only been challenging once a month.

At home he has been becoming a worry. Perfect, compliant student at school... at home he's a bit of a psychological bully to his five year old brother (who is extremely high maintenance and emotional). I know he's behaving this way because he's bored and he told me that he's lonely and unhappy. He doesn't want to see a councillor. I asked what I can do to help and he wants harder work at school and 24/7 challenge at home. I try to do what I can and have fought the school so hard, but I've had to so much already and now I have his brother at school whose behavior is getting him into trouble. He is PG and I know his mind is incredibly active, but his personality is very introverted so it all stays in his head and he can't express how he's feeling to make himself feel better; he has an annual outburst in tears and it's the only way I can find out what's going on in there. He's extremely gifted in maths and I can't teach to his level. He sees a tutor but I can only afford an hour a week. He wants it everyday. He will be going to a different school in 18 months where he'll get another skip, but until then I don't know what to do. He doesn't enjoy online courses or programs; he likes to be taught by a person.

As for being lonely... He has a group of great friends who are gifted and into the same things. He doesn't want to see them outside of school. He doesn't even want a birthday party. So I'm not sure what that feeling is to him when he says "lonely" he may mean misunderstood?