I have no idea about right- vs. left-brain. I am a very fast reader, though. I don't know if visual-verbal would mean that I'm left- or right-brained. I'm definitely visual, but I'm equally definitely NOT visual-spatial.

I can't tell whether DS7 is a fast reader yet or not. He is too advanced in reading compared to his agemates for me to tell if he's faster than they are or just able to handle more difficult texts. You know? I do know he's not fast at most things. But reading might well be an exception.

I'm also not sure if he's visual-spatial. When he took the SB-5, he appeared to be verbal. When he took the WISC, the tester commented on how "clearly" VS he is. Weird contrary results! That's one of the reasons I'm thinking something visual but not necessarily spatial. And again, I don't know how that fits with what you're asking.

Was that totally useless? :p
