syoblrig - I think this is what I'd do in your situation - since you've spoken with the gifted coordinator already and she was not willing to approve a skip without testing. First - I'd try to find anything I could in writing in your school district policy re what is usually accepted for a grade skips (specific test names, and score cut-offs). Second - I'd go ahead and schedule a private IQ test for the week before school starts, and after your school principal and/or counselors return to work before school starts. Depending on your district, this might be anywhere from 1-3 weeks, and in some cases principals might be in the office earlier. Then I'd send an email *now* to the principal, cc the gifted coordinator and counselor, and let them know you're requesting a skip, let them know which tests and scores you have for your dd (include Cogat/etc if you have additional testing from school), ask to set up a meeting to discuss the skip, let them know it's very important to meet before school starts so that your daughter doesn't have to change classes mid-quarter. Ask if IQ testing will be required or is suggested. If they say no IQ testing is needed, cancel the appointment. If they aren't sure about the need for IQ testing or they say it's required, go ahead and get the private testing - unless they say the district can do it before school starts.

I'd also suggest you remind them that your ds skipped successfully, and I'd also offer to keep my dd out of school until they can complete the testing if they say that they can't test her until after school starts. Of course you don't really want to keep her out, but if they do drag their feet on holding a meeting and testing, keeping her out of school (or saying you will) will most likely result in a much earlier meeting (although I'm not in your district, I am speaking from personal experience lol!).

I also have a question for you -

Originally Posted by syoblrig
So here's my question-- since the tester and my dd both want a skip, there's no reason for me to drag my feet, right?
Just looking for any BTDT advice for someone who didn't pursue a skip, even when it was recommended.

I'm guessing the reason you asked this was that you were worried that your dd wouldn't get the skip and you were hoping things would work out anyway? Or is there a reason you are hesitant to advocate for a skip? Everything you've mentioned here seems to point in the direction of skipping with no second thoughts, but if there's something more, I'd take those concerns into consideration.

Best wishes,
