Unfortunately no the psych did not give us an estimate of ability or tell us which domains were most affected. He just gave the vague quote above about him being more intelligent than the scores. Thus we are left scratching our heads.

We are addressing the ADD. We tried a short stint on meds at the end of the school year and that seemed to be successful.

But as I contemplate an important school decision between trying a new, unproven gifted school or remain at his challenging albeit achievement oriented private school, I am unclear as to what his actual ability is.

Is he verbally gifted only? What is his true ability? I agree that his testing would go up on meds but how much? Is the disparity between indexes due to the ADD, strengths and weakneses or ODD which the pysch came just short of diagnosing.

I do not want to put him through another round of testing on medication, Perhaps I can do a brief test? But I worry those are not accurate.
