I am borrowing trouble, but here we go...

I read an article recently about the student who is graduating college the week before graduating high school. YAY Student! We tend to see these periodically, particularly in FL. However reading these articles are a source of parenting anxiety for me.

Given his acceleration pattern, we can easily follow 1 of 4 paths:

1) Community college courses. These will transfer to any state school. Reduces the time in a state college, but the credits will not transfer out of state should that be his choice.
2) Local University courses. The local university is the worst rated in the state. But again, many courses will transfer to other state schools. Even if it is the worst in the state, he could graduate college before graduating high school. We could also repeat this option at an excellent state school by he and I moving a bit closer.
3) Let him graduate early and send him to college early.
4) Place him in a holding pattern with Davidson options and/or MOOCs so he can apply for Dreamy Liberal Arts school at "typical" age. He understands Dreamy U is highly competitive and plans to have a triple undergrad degrees from State U if Dreamy U does not work out.

Grad school is definitely the plan.

My preference is option #4, said in pre-adolescent parenting years. The source of my anxiety is that I fear option #4 is not really going to work out given nothing about DS follows a "typical" pattern of any sort. I do not think option #3 would work out emotionally. If #3 and #4 do not work out, that means I have to lay some groundwork this year.

Final anxiety/question - What are the considerations I am missing that would make options #1 and #2 optimal? Is burnout the strong disadvantage for #4? I fear there is an angle that I have not considered.

This post became rather long. Thank you for sticking with me.

Last edited by Portia; 04/11/19 02:13 PM.