That's the way I felt about my kid when he was a second grader who really needed 6th grade and beyond language arts instruction. What was a one grade skip or acceleration really going to do for him? And there really is great literature in the 3rd to 5th grade leve that he shouldn't skip over. So I never really pushed much about his language arts needing to be accelerated and just asked for them to really try hard to differentiate and one skip with differentiation worked through elementary. In middle, we had to add another accelleration of two grades (had to get him out of the middle school language arts curriculum altogether) to get to tolerable for him. College level would be the ideal intellectually....but I feel he needs a bit more time for life experience, maturity, and writing experience.

Sometimes there just is too big of a need to even wrap your head around a possible solution and just do the best you can.