Hi there

My 2nd grader has had numerous assessments (IQ, achievement, and cogat) that have all scored him in the 99.9 percentile (equally gifted in all areas). I approached the district about acceleration for a subject next year because their GATE class is not happening anymore at the school. I have just been advised that the GATE office will conduct additional assessments to see if he has met the 'mastery criteria' for end of third grade and will qualify him to go into 4th next year for a subject only. He is 2e so we have no desire for whole grade skip. My question is what is this testing? Is it very difficult?

I know his reading and comprehension is beyond the expected level without a doubt. Language arts is the subject I would like for him to be accelerated but hearing this I'm quite worried. We literally do no academic work outside of school however writing is one of his hobbies. The teacher considers him very advanced (her words were 'the smartest child in the grade - by far'). But given he needs to have mastery criteria for every part of the subject and we haven't done any additional exposure to this stuff I am really unsure. I don't even know what it is expected that he will know

I know in math there is no way ( and tbh I don't even want him tested in that area because he simply doesn't know the 3rd grade curriculum) but ela he would benefit from it so much.

We are not test prep people at all but I'm wondering if I should give him a chance to learn prior to the test?