DD16 took 6 AP exams in all this year. I know, I know, 6 is too many... but you try telling her to take her foot off the accelerator.

Psych - was determined to be "not bad".
Calc AB - was worrisome in how easy it seemed. Anyone else's kiddos like this - the easier a "hard" exam feels, the more worried they get?
Physics I - also determined to be "not too bad".
Micro Econ - hated the class/hated the test.
Macro Econ - ditto.
Lit and Comp - she felt the essay question for the student selected work was tailor-made for one of the books she read. Now DD is a voracious reader, so the odds of her not having a book in the can for that question were low.

Best of luck,

For gifted children, doing nothing is the wrong choice.