A drop in my DD's MAP scores are what clued us in to just how understimuated she has been at school. She's was identified gifted when we moved to the district using the NNAT and later the CogAT, and initially her MAP scores were in the 99%tile. But as school became too slow for her, she got bored... and ultimately lazy in math. We saw her MAP drop to the 86%tile at one point which was a big wake up call to us that something needed to be done. DD9 got a little bit of extra challenge in the classroom and as much as we could at home, and BAM! Her MAP climbed up to the 98%tile in just a couple of months.

So I wouldn't put as much stock in the MAP scores as I would in other testing. But maybe those scores can be used as data to determine if he's bored or getting the challenge he needs.