Hi, I'm looking for anecdotes and advice about testing. A BTDT kind of thing.

We're on the fence about testing DD. I'd love to hear stories from both sides. Specifically:

1. Was testing beneficial? How did it help?
2. Did test scores help or hurt your advocacy?
3. Why did you choose to test or not test?

Some quick background on our situation (sorry for the redundancy for those of you who read our story on another thread).

*DD-just-turned-9-today has never been challenged at school. In past years, I talked to teachers about the issue, they agreed and said they'd challenge her, but classroom enrichment has never been enough. This went on for K, 1st, and 2nd without me advocating much (wish I could have a re-do!). Nobody acted like DD9 was exceptionally gifted, and I incorrectly thought the education experts knew better than me. So I didn't push the matter much.

*But by this year, 3rd grade, DD9 is starting to have problems. Her grades are slipping, and she's developed a lazy attitude toward trying. If something even looks hard, she skims the problem and then guesses. Or if truly faced with something hard, she gets upset and wants to quit. This is especially evident in math.

*Long story short, she stayed in 3rd grade versus being skipped due to concerns she would not have enough time to learn the 4th grade material and qualify for the honors math program the following year. If we had not considered honors math and stuck strictly to the IAS, I believe she would have qualified for a skip.

*We've receieved a lot of kickback from her homeroom teacher and the district math curriculum leader. They don't appear to believe us when we say she learns super quick, she's not being challenged, she's mentally bored, and that she needs to learn how to exercise her brain regularly.

*She's being re-evaluated in a couple of months to see if she'll pass the honors math test. At that time, we plan to discuss options about subject- versus whole grade accceleration.

DD9 has had no individual testing. She took the CogAT when we moved here 3 years ago right before she started 1st grade, and was identified gifted in both reading and math. I believe she tested 2.5 standard deviations from the norm. I've asked to have more detailed results sent to me as well as which level of test was given (assuming it was for 1st graders and not above-grade level). Still waiting for that.

I'm considering testing. Just not sure the cost, time, and energy are worth it, though.

I'd love to hear your stories to help me decide.