Hello all, I'm looking for some advice to help plan for advocating for my child in the future. DS 3 has always been ahead of the curve with both family and strangers commenting on his advanced abilities. I've been cognizant to prepare for a future of advocating for his education as my husband's family has a history of giftedness and trouble with the public school system. In the cases of my husband and father-in-law, both were labeled as trouble makers and poor students until their needs were met with grade acceleration/a move to specialized private school. At not quite 3, our son is already showing a tendency to act out and hide is abilities when he's not feeling challegened. I want to do what I can to document his abilities as a record of his academic needs in order to prepare for the advocacy he will need in the future. However, I'm uncertain about what kinds of information/evidence to record. The "milestones" don't seem as straight forward as they were in the younger toddler years. What kind of information do you think is appropriate to record and do you have any tips about how to keep it all organized?