I just came from DD12 (6th grade) IEP meeting and am a bit in shock. I cannot believe it. The reading interventionist reported that she scored 97% on the level Z Fountas and Pinnell, with 3/3 and 10/10 on the comprehension tests. My severely dyslexic 6th grader is reading actual words on the page at a high school level or above. Last year was really exciting that she had gotten to grade level (or ever so slightly above grade level.) Her hard work - and that of her reading teacher- has obviously paid off!!!

For those who are interested she has always done *a ton* of audio books and has measured high school comprehension since 1st grade. In first and second grade an old school spec Ed teacher moved around between programs doing whatever she needed as she outpaced each one. Thirds grade started at spec Ed school where good, young reading teacher worked steadily with Wilson until late in 5th grade when she introduced some Lindamood Bell. I'm not really clear on what specific program, if any, she focused in this year. It seems they did more sight word work than anything else.

I really didn't think she would get you this level. Ever.

Proud mama happy dance... smile