We had a meeting regarding DS6's neuropsych results, but do not yet have the written report. I tried to take detailed notes and am trying to make sense of it and would appreciate any guidance, suggestions, or BTDT from anyone here.

WISC-V VCI Verbal 136

Some struggles with visual motor integration - 5th percentile for design copy, etc.

Working memory ~18th percentile (with some sub-tests at 2nd, 5th, or 16th percentiles)

25th percentile - code transmission (with most errors at end)
25th percentile - divided attention

similarities in verbal - >99th percentile
vocabulary - 95th percentile

scores were much lower when timed (95th to 25th)

95th percentile - comprehension of stories
37th percentile - re-telling of stories
37th percentile - matrix reasoning

99th percentile - written expression

The doctor seems to think he has social anxiety, ADHD (combined) - with particular concerns related to executive function, processing speed, and working memory. Doctor also thinks non-verbal learning disability may be an issue (with visual processing).

I am just trying to process all of this. Does anyone have any thoughts on any of this or books/websites that may help? I also wonder how a school will deal with him as he is not often at the middle of the bell curve on much, but at both extremes. Thank you for any help you can offer!