It means that out of 100 randomly selected students in the US, you could expect to find only 1 student scoring higher than him.

I would suggest pursuing above-grade level testing for him. 99th percentile of 2nd grade doesn't tell us much as far as where his actual challenge level is. Is his challenge level the beginning of 3rd grade? Or is it 7th grade material? With a 99 percentile score, we have no way of knowing.

I suggest asking the school for their written acceleration policy and gifted/talented services. The cogat will identify him as gifted/talented, but nobody knows yet "how" much advancementt he needs. Hopefully the school's policies address this question. My son's elementary school called it a "child study", part of which was giving above grade level tests.

Last edited by sanne; 03/24/17 02:17 PM. Reason: I talk too much. Deleted paragraph for clarity