So the only things I can think of that DD has really been engaged with for a length of time are sheep (her favorite animal since around 13 months) and the color orange :-) But those don't really count (since its not like she researches sheep or anything or reads about them more than about anything else, or like she 'plays' with shades of orange or something).

She loves Minecraft, and watches videos about it - perhaps more than the average bear, but not more than really is pretty common.

She is a kid who has a ton of interests (her issue this winter wasn't deciding what to take part in, it was limiting which things she was interested in and having to choose between things that happened on the same day/time) but nothing that she pursues really above and beyond. And most of her interests are non-academic, but also not an area of extreme talent (if she was a 'super amazing' artist for her age, I'd list that, but she's just a 'good' artist for her age... kwim?). And she doesn't spend hours and hours working on perfecting her art, either.

She loves math, but not theory, at least not that I know of - her older brother is, so I think I'd know if she was too. She can hold her own in conversations with him about it, but she doesn't seek it out at all, and glazes over if he goes on too long (but he tends to pontificate sometimes, so we all do!). She's the kind of kid who when I landed on 31 as a volume level on the tv said 'ugh, I hate it when the volume is a prime number!' but doesn't spend a ton of time studying prime numbers. Nor does she spend an excessive amount of time figuring out how to do a certain kind of math that she hasn't learned yet (again, not that I know of... she does upper level math as her IXL homework, and it takes her longer than her grade level practice math would, certainly, but I don't think of it as being really exploring something in depth).

None of this means I think she isn't HG, I think its just she hasn't found her 'thing' yet. She's really social, and she tends to be more interested in practical things or things that further her social life....

Now, here's one I've overlooked... she has gone in depth on character and backstory research on certain tv shows. Dr. Who was really big in our house for a long time. Maybe the fact that she (and her brother, along with their older cousins) all obsessed about that show, and she held her own with her much older cousins counts? Not *quite* what I'm guessing is they'd be expecting, but maybe it would work? LOL!