
This is something we regularly discuss. DS4 is very adept at electronics and loves his games, particularly puzzle games. He learns from them, but at what cost? I think it's easy to get sucked into the, "But it's educational!" kind of thinking, and we certainly have been there. But kids learn from everything they do, regardless of whether or not we view it as educational. Here are some things we consider when deciding on balanced screen time:

1. What would he otherwise be doing? Coloring? Building? Having a discussion with another person? Riding a bike? Squishing play dough? Daydreaming? Solving his own boredom? Sitting in the sunny window and noting how his skin feels warm in the light, but cook in the dark? These are all important things.
2. What is his attitude like after screen time? If its poor, is he spending too much time not in touch with his needs? This one is important for us because he has a way of getting hyper focused.
3. What is it doing to his eyes? Kids would normally be looking all around, from here to there. What about his body? Kids would normally be bouncing, running, climbing, rolling, fort building, etc.

My personal opinion is that screen time should not be everyday, nor should it take up a large amount of time. I recommend breaking it up. Maybe 20 minutes three times a day, tops. Or perhaps more time on the weekends, but less during the week. Two hours a day seems like a lot to me, no matter the educational content.

I hope that helps! I know it's a tough subject since there is no concrete answer.