For my DD10 there was talk of grade or subject acceleration when she was ID'd. There were a number of reasons that grade acceleration wasn't a good fit, but subject acceleration in math was discussed. The school decided not to subject accelerate her for multiple reasons. One is that the math classes for the grade above were at different times than the math block in her grade, so she would miss something else. They also expressed concern about what would happen when she was in 5th grade, and there was no one at the school to teach her the next level above (sigh). They were concerned that at that point she'd have to work all alone, and they didn't like the potential isolation. (For her not such a concern, she's super social, so she wouldn't be missing an opportunity to learn social skills or anything like that-she'd just have been learning to work on her own... also a valuable skill!) I was ready to be totally on top of what was happening as 2nd grade was a mess for her (when she was ID'd). But I ended up not having to, as the teacher pulled her and two or three other kids across the grade to work on special projects. She loved it so much and was so happy that it quickly became a non-issue. They took the skills that the grade was learning and applied them through project based learning type projects. Maybe something like that would be an option?