Do you talk to him about everything going on? Think of a sports announcer during the game, describing each play and then analyzing it when time allows. Kids can pick up a lot of vocabulary, grammar, and speech patterns this way. They can develop observational skills and understanding of their everyday environment.

Reading to your child also has benefits. It sounds as though your child likes books! smile

Hart & Risley did research in the 1960's which showed gains for children (see info here and here) whose parents read to them and engaged them in meaningful dialog.

Some parents like to teach their infants sign language.

Sometimes offering choices can help diffuse frustration -
- Would you like to wear red socks or blue socks?
- Would you like to eat mashed banana or banana slices?
- Would you like me to read this book or that book to you?

For some children, a rocking chair, hammock, or small swing can be a comforting spot to retreat to and self-soothe.

I'm adding a link to a thread with resources for Enriched Home Learning Environments.