Thank you for all the thoughtful responses! I definitely plan to continue to work on his character development, leadership skills, developing better coping strategies, and encouraging an enjoyment of athletics and physical development. Neither my wife nor I have any musical abilities (or languages) to share, but we try to make sure there are instruments available for the kids in hopes of a spark of interest (none shown yet, but they do make up hilarious songs). What strategies have you used to develop skills that aren't strengths of either parent?

To the person who suggested meditation, do you use any particular program or app to guide? I think meditation can be an extremely powerful tool. DS5 didn't show any particular interest when I showed him the headspace app, but it is something I would like to reintroduce. He can have trouble with emotional regulation, and meditation would be very beneficial when he is ready.

Last edited by Nolepharm; 02/03/17 12:59 PM.