DD6 is the youngest in a split 1st/2nd classroom of 29 kids. My musings and ranting about the situation can be found here: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/topics/233937/1.html
The other day we had our first conference. (I put off talking to the teacher about challenging DD until now because she started having headaches which kept her out of school a lot during the last three months, but disappeared after Christmas with no one the wiser).
So DD does very well, is happy and well behaved etc., just keeps forgetting to hand in her homework. I sent DD out to put on her boots in the hallway, take a deep breath and start mumbling about whether the teacher thinks she is sufficiently challenged doing first grade work.
Teacher says: oh, can I *please* stick her into second!
Me: umm. Ah, that's what I was going to ask about.
She'll speak to the principal but thinks she'll be amenable, since they are having another grade skip from second into third in the works, and come back to me.
Could things be this easy?
I am worried about social aspects now: there are two red shirted girls among the five first graders who do very well as far as I know but the teacher denied there are more skips in the pipeline, because she thinks only DD currently has the necessary focus and stamina to catch up easily. The other two first grade kids I think are somewhat struggling and DD has already had run ins with them. I may be paranoid but don't think it's unconnected. I'm worried DD may get rejected by the cosy first graders group and not be accepted by the second graders either, and wondering whether it were feasible to just give her second grade work without having her outed as a grade skipper until the end of the year. Or am I being totally naive?