Back to Bill Nye...This is what the e-mail said about the deal:

Originally Posted by co-op
DVD's are not cheap, but by purchasing as a group, we will all save at least 15% and as much as 40% depending on how many DVDs we purchase. Buy as few or as many titles as you want -- but it's the TOTAL number of titles we buy AS A GROUP that determines everyone's final price -- so help us spread the word and thereby save yourself and everybody else some money!

Does that help any? It made it seem clearer to me, I think.

15% off is still pricey, as they normally cost nearly $50! (The e-mail didn't say that!) And they need to sell 501 individual shows to get the price down to 40% off, or under $30. For the length of the shows, that's probably not worth it to me.

Bummer. I wonder why they're so expensive? Most videos of this sort aren't that much! frown
