DD is 3Y4M old and always seems to like to invent her own way of playing with her toys and games instead of the actual way they are meant to be played. When we try to explain her how a new game was to be played, she ignores it and makes up her own game with it. For instance, we got her Muffin Matchup - she converted that into an imaginary game of making and serving breakfast muffins, arranging them in patterns and playing her own made-up muffin counting game etc.

I understand sometimes it'd be best to follow their lead and let their creativity flow. But then, when she does it for nearly every toy or game we get, I'm getting kind of sandwiched between - to what extent should I let her make up her own games vs if / when I should insist her to adhere to the guidelines of a particular game so she learns to play it the way it's meant to be played.

The issue with the "her own game" approach is that, she tends to get frustrated when things don't work the way she's trying to make them work and tends to resist help as she wants to figure it out herself. The issue with the "insisting on adhering guidelines" approach is, she feels she's being tied down into a particular line of thinking and wants the independence of doing it her way.

Any inputs on if there is any other optimal method of managing the play?