Thank you all so much for your comments. It is nice to know we are not alone on this journey!

Autism may very well be what he ends up being diagnosed with. We are certainly open to it. His developmental pediatrician did not think he had enough symptoms to be diagnosed with autism when he was seen a couple of years ago. We will see if there are more signs when he gets seen again soon.

Portia, thanks so much for your comment about the best age for a neuro-psych. This has also been something we have been wondering - if he is too young for it to be as helpful as it could be later. But, if he is having some problems if it perhaps worth it to get it done now anyway. His age is definitely something we are considering.

The idea of looking at social stories is a good one. I will try to do more of that with him. I do try to ask him those types of questions when reading stories, but he often doesn't have much to say in response to them. I am planning to seek out a therapist to help with his anxiety/social skills and I will inquire about social skills groups, as well. I have also wondered in the past, spaghetti, if he has some issue with social language. He speaks very clearly and has used many words since a young age. So, I had never considered a speech/language therapist before, but I have begun to wonder more recently if this might be part of the issue for him.

His spatial skills seem pretty strong. He loves geography and can make connections between shapes of countries to something else he sees. He also LOVES building with blocks and legos and has for a very long time.

In looking at the criteria for social anxiety, I'd say it's highly likely that is what he has (perhaps with other things too). In terms of his expressive language, he knows ALL of the kids names at school and tells us lots of details about them. However, he does lack a "narrative" when describing his day or telling a story. He sort of jumps around some which can make it hard on me to really determine what happened. I'm not sure how normal that is for six year olds or if that may be a sign of a problem. With his writing, he has lots of ideas but just needs help seeing how to put them together in a narrative/organizing them. Again, I don't know what most 6 year olds look like in this regard. While physically forming letters has been hard for him at times, he is at grade-level according to his teachers now. And, he loves to write stories and books. Mostly, he prefers to write non-fiction, though.

In regard to finding the anxiety or social language issues, spaghetti, what would be better than a neuro-psych? Just an evaluation by a therapist for the anxiety or a speech/language therapist for the social language issues?

Thanks again, everyone! It has been very overwhelming as we figure out how best to help him. I really appreciate any and all guidance you can offer.