Any recommendations out there for neuropsych (or other) testers in the greater Boston area?

The backstory:
I just came from a meeting with the principal at my DS12's school, a follow up he requested to yesterday's IEP meeting. DS's disability listed on his IEP is sensory processing. The principal suggested we might want to look into a possible Asperger's/ASD diagnosis (for multiple well meaning reasons, ranging from appropriate protections in his IEP to DS then having further understanding of why he is how he is - whether that is now or down the line when he's really ready).

I'm not 100% sure I agree, but there are definitely asperger-y characteristics there. But I have also read that it isn't terribly unusual for highly gifted kids to be mis-diagnosed as ASD/aspergers. So if we're going to pursue testing, I'd want to make sure the tester was familiar with both.

DS will be getting some testing in the school setting as well. I'll be posting separately for advice on what tests I should seek (still want to rule out things like dysgraphia too), but any that a typical psycho-ed tester can give that might help tease out whether his aspergers-ish characteristics are truly aspergers or just poor social skills?