About 5 yrs ago, a few parents formed a local gifted association when services to our kids were threatened to be cut. Since that time, the assoc. has been successful in working with the district and our gifted program is going well. The association has 3 meetings/yr with interesting guest speakers, 3 newsletters/yr, disseminates articles & info to big email list of parents, organizes a big science festival (3 days long), and poetry olio. Sadly, there are now only a handful of people doing all the work, meetings are poorly attended, no one contributes to the newsletters, etc.

I have visions for how we can grow (offer competitions, knowledge bowls, spelling bees, science olympiad summer camp, etc.)...so many possibilities. But I can't imagine expanding our offerings without getting more people involved, 'cause it's already too much for me.

Does anyone have insights about recruiting enthusiastic volunteers--or knowing when to call it quits? We have 594 gifted students in the district, but our meetings have about 6 parents and 6 teachers/admin. They're short and really do have interesting speakers.