We have not tested our DD5 (in K). We thought she was getting tested through her school on the WPPSI or the SB-5, but it turns out she was just tested on the OLSAT, which is a group "school ability" screener as opposed to a general IQ test.

She's in a play-based curriculum, and the gifted program in our school is just a once-a-week pullout, so for now, we feel that her high score on the OLSAT, her high MAP scores, the fact that she's in a play-based school, and the fact that her teachers recognize her ability is enough. She's pretty happy where she is. The teacher and I just push her a little harder on some assignments (having her write a sentence or paragraph when other kids are working on letters, etc.)

DS4 is another story. I don't know how he'd do on MAP or the OLSAT, and there is a possible visual-spatial issue with him. So we'll see. He has been tested on the WPPSI-IV, actually, but he was way too young in my opinion (close to his 4th bday). Also, he did not test gifted, which made sense at the time but he's recently blossomed in a way that is making us question that result. We're going to just adopt a wait and see for another year or two on him. He'll be taking the MAP next year in K, regardless, and the gifted teacher has already promised to test him one-on-one with the OLSAT next year. If the results seem to match what we think his ability and achievement levels are, we may leave well enough alone. Our K program focuses on literacy, anyway, which is not a strength of his (he presents as rather average in that department. It's math that is blowing us away).