My kids sound very similar but have the opposite in terms of test scores.
DS is kind of borderline ADHD in that he performs in the average range on the computerized test for ADHD and other executive functioning tests but in real life he can act very spacey, distracted, loses his assignments, etc. My other child is definitely ADHD, you can tell if she's medicated just by looking at her. (she looks "wild" when she's not medicated). Both of them have slower processing speed but it's hard to get an accurate assessment with DS because his motor skills are really poor and the tests involve motor skills. With DD the slower processing is evident because you can ask her what's 6X4 and she'll look at you blankly for about 8 seconds before answering. I don't see that with DS and he is much faster with assignments, tests, etc. If you get academic testing done, like the woodcock johnson acheivement, I'm guessing you would see lower scores in the areas of fluency, like math fluency, writing fluency, etc. (probably not reading fluency, though, my kids are the same, very fast and fluent readers and they read very early. I am not sure how much verbal IQ actually has to do with early probably has to do more with decoding ability and visual memory than verbal ability, IMO).