Thank you all for your responses. I will try the handwriting tests and see what happens. He has been very tolerant of the "little tests" I've been making him do so far. :0) We are both trying to see it as a science experiment on his brain.

We just had a very informative parent/teacher conference after the first "trimester" of third grade. Apparently, he is performing well in all areas except for three- (1) represents and interprets data using picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots, (2) working independently and staying on task, and (2) completing work in a timely manner- which seem to coincide with his IQ test results.

Apparently, his teacher has been pulling him aside regularly to work at another table so he can finish whatever work he has been given. And she described my talkative, opinionated (in the best way of course), outgoing boy as "shy" and said when she hands out worksheets he will just sit and stare at it like he doesn't know how to start. She gave us examples of his work to date so it looks like we will have plenty of writing samples for the neuro when we go in December. Have, for these and social reasons, decided to homeschool through a local charter. The change in him after we made the decision final has been dramatic- he is much happier and seems to be so relieved to not have to go back to "regular" school. Honestly- it breaks my heart just a little bit that he seems to have been just enduring school instead of actually enjoying it.