The head AIG coordinator for our county, middle school AIG coordinator for our county, and AIG contact at my son's elementary school have been working diligently trying to figure out an individualized education plan for my 9 yo 5th grade son. They say he has no intellectual peers at his school, and he does not want to change schools (which I completely understand...the kids he is in class with now accepted him with open arms when he moved up to 3rd grade in the middle of his 2nd grade year), so they are trying to find various ways to challenge him.

I don't think he has the rock solid Math foundation (although it wouldn't take long for him to learn it) he needs to skip to 6th grade right now and the timing doesn't work out so he can spend time in 5th grade Math and 6th grade Math during the day.

They have discussed using Pearson Excel as well as Mine Craft Edu to push him further while keeping his interest.

But I'm wondering if there are any Math Books you can recommend that would allow him to take what he knows and go more in depth with the concepts to further develop his reasoning and logic skill?

Thanks for any and all help!
