Originally Posted by TripleB
He's 9 years old (turns 10 at end of March), in 5th grade, and was advanced one grade level two years ago.

They are looking at how he will advance through the different levels of Math over the next couple of years and one of the tracks they are looking at puts him in Algebra I (sometimes called Math I) as a 7th grader...only 11 years old.


My DD (age 11, accelerated 1 year) is currently in Algebra 1 and getting A's. Her school has 2 classes of 7th graders taking Alg.1 so it's not unusual for that grade. It's the only class that makes her work (a bit). We are still in the situation if something is challenging she gets angry because everything has come easily to her so I am glad that at least one class makes her exercise the brain muscles a small amount.
She will not will not will not do AoPS again. She says she hates math so I leave it to the school to teach the subject.