Higher score in MAP means she is great academically compared to the same age group peers. No more than that. MAP is not designed to measure any giftedness-related ability. It measures straight forward academic concepts taught in each grade level.

Usually, Gifted kids are ahead of school curriculum and they can get higher score on the MAP test, but MAP can not be an indicator of giftedness. I think your DD's giftedness might have helped get higher score on the MAP test. But, you have to use different tools to evaluate her actual level of giftedness or IQ.

The score aligned with 11th grade norm doesn't mean she is 11th level in English or she can jump to 11th English class. Even Elementary and Secondary kids take a different set of exam and usually kids are experiencing dropping of scores when they switch from primary to secondary MAP exam because secondary exam holds more difficult problems.
You may use DD's score to see if there're enough peer groups at her class and to consider advanced placement, independent learning, etc.

Last edited by happymom1122; 11/05/16 10:55 AM.