Thank you for your response! A little more information... Our son is 8 and in the 3rd grade. He is reading around a 6th or 7th grade level and generally is a happy, healthy kid. I don't think we have any reason to doubt the validity of the tests- he was well-rested and understood the purpose of the tests. I will check with the doctor who administered the test about the MR score. Assuming the score and percentage are correct the range is probably a typo.

We don't have any concerns about attention/impulse control/etc. The only concern we had with schoolwork before this test was that he has trouble completing tasks in the time given- an he has noticed it. Last year he had trouble completing "timed math" (a worksheet of 90 one digit addition or subtraction problems to be completed in one minute) and, no matter that he knows the answers when not timed, could not complete the worksheets in the time given. Also, he came home one day and told me that he was bad at math word problems because he could not copy the answers the teacher wrote on the board fast enough before she erased them. He doesn't really like school and says his favorite part is lunch and recess. But, quite frankly, with what they do at his school I can't blame him- it is a lot of worksheets. He'd much rather be home working on his favorite subjects (currently obsessed with the Titanic and WWII) :0).

We spoke with the neuropsychologist yesterday and she recommended we have vision testing completed and then, based on the results, follow up with further academic testing. I will ask her about the WPPSI-IV.

Off for more research based on your reply....

Thank you again. We were not expecting this and certainly appreciate the input.