I have three DS with sensory issues. All have language disorders, but have had speech therapy and OT since they were 2. Some of the self soothing needed to be gained because DSs were not able to effectively express their wants and needs either verbally or manually.

A lot of the therapy DSs received involved play both 1:1 and in groups. I feel OT and speech therapy has been beneficial to teach DSs social norms, fine motor skills, learning how to lose graciously, to help DSs were I fall short, etc. DS15 swears by Perfection and scoring a 99% on the groove pegboard versus a 21% on the pen-to-paper subtests

I have very see-it, touch-it, hear-it, smell-it, feel-it DSs. All DSs have a really tough time if they "feel" anything is unjust. Some more than others. It has me running a lot of interference. Games include perfection, table pool, jacks, shuffling cards, arts & crafts w/ scissors. Not sure where you are located but seasonal holidays are great for DSs. Tomorrow we have a neighbor's pumpkin carving party, so we went looking for neon green Elmer's glue today and will bring ingredients to make green sparkly slime (thinking sensory stimulating) to go with carved pumpkins. DSs frustration also stems from not being able to make projects look the way want. They can see the project, but cannot execute it. Not being able to write neatly when they really want to and then an uninformed teacher taking points off for sloppy handwriting. Knowing that their gifts, are because of their weaknesses also helps. When they are able to have those moments of embracing a team environment for other team members to pick up their weaknesses and finding their strengths at the same time it can be amazing. For instance two years in a row DS12 has been monumental in his team winning summer camp color war. It's a big treasure hunt. Each team must find a camp determined hidden object. The first summer I thought DS12 had good luck and stumbled on the object, but two years in a row made me sit up.

Not sure if that is what you are looking for, but hope that helps.