Thank you admin for providing an access to this wonderful forum!

We are first time parents residing near Seattle and have several questions for our LO's school admissions for Kindergarten. One of them being "IQ Testing"

We have received following list of testers in and around "Seattle" and are unsure which one to go with. We would highly appreciate if someone could PM with their past experiences with any of these!

ABCD, Inc.�
Amy Summers
Belle Chenault
Bryan Robison
Carole B. Cole
Christine Mielenz
Dana Harmon
Debra Vilhauer
Fredric Provenzano
Gail Rosenberg
Honora Hanley
Kathi Jackson
Kristi C. Kwon
Molly Reid
Patricia Oppenheim
Ronnie Cunningham
Steven Katz
Valerie Wall
Yumi Hiraga
